1000 for 10 Program
Our Lady of the Pillar Academy has been blessed over the last decade to form and educate children in our community with a focus on Catholicity, and Classical education.
But if we want this dream to keep going, the only way to do that is with money. But hey, we get it. Money is tight right now. People just can’t give the kind of money they used to. And those that do give, many cannot give the same.
So we asked God to help us come up with a plan — and He answered!
This is the 1000 for 10 program. The idea is to get 1000 people in our community and across Canada to give 10 dollars per month to the school. If we reach our goal, it results in 120,000 dollars per year! Its a fundraising method a lot of self-funded groups like journalists, and not-for-profits make use of. That way you have a donor base that is large, but they’re not being asked to give inordinate amounts of money.
Additionally, you’ll still get your tax-deducible receipt at the end of the year for 120 dollars. And the best part is, if you want to give more – you can! simply type in your desired amount, and be inducted into our 1000 for 10 program. You’ll receive a certificate giving you your number in the line up of donors. And you’ll get a personalized thanks from us at the Board of Directors for the school 🙂
God bless! And please consider giving generously to keep the dream of Our Lady of the Pillar Academy going for another 10 years and beyond.